Friday Fix-Up: Mantels Part 1

Every room should have a focal point. In large public rooms like living  or dens (maybe only a midwest thing) it tends to become the television.  In my opinion – they are not esthetically pleasing and a general conversation suck if it’s on.  A fireplace- more so mantel is a great way to pull focus in your space, is an amazing way to show off treasures and can be changed easily through season or decor ADD.  With the invention of indoor heat  a lot of fireplaces have gone the extinction route leaving bare spaces begging for attention.  So I say Fake it!

Fake it 1, Wood stacking: Bravo Laura for the fiercely creative use of space and material. This was a weekend project! How-to found over on Apartment Therapy.

Fake it 2, Mantel Frame: New or vintage, heated or not a mantel frame is a great way to add some architectural detail. True, this one is a little pricier but is a great investment for your decor. Your local scrapyard might be the key place to collect a great vintage find.  Click here to see how House and Home Canada did it.

Fake it 3, Shelve it: This idea can be a little trickier  because of the lack of side panels connecting the mantel to the floor. I have a few suggestions: Frame it out and put tile or wall paper in the middle with some vases along the floor. If you have a space heater put a an elaborate fire screen in front. Or a small side table  that sits in between the side chairs. You can make it work! Check out how Decor Chick and Willow Decor did theirs.

There are so many possibilities.  Decide on what your room to feel like- rustic, chic, classic? This piece will really steer you into that theme- it is the focal point.

One response to “Friday Fix-Up: Mantels Part 1

  1. this post just makes me want to revamp my boring living room STAT!! I really loove the stacked wooden fake mantle!!

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