Category Archives: Do It Yourself

Rain boots and Flowers

With Spring quickly approaching beautiful blooms are popping up everywhere. Even if it’s not on the trees themselves, I’m finding it more important to have fresh flowers in my house to cheer me out of the winter blues. I love the idea of using an old pair of rain boots for a vase or even a planter ( if you drill holes in the bottom). What do you think?

Give me S’more!

With a fun-filled weekend quickly approaching I’m cleaning out my grill and stocking up on staples: graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows. Yes, it is s’more season!

Get creative with some red and blue bowls and have everything set out nicely when guests are ready to get their fingers sticky. I love the use of the old wash tub and some untraditional add-ons.

Isn’t this marshmallow tree super cute? Click image for more fun fire skewers.

OR… if you love the taste but the whole open fire isn’t with the vibe of your party opt for these pops with cracker crumbs from Gimme Some Oven! (click image for directions) So chic!

Nautical Touches

In need of a beach getaway but cannot seem to get there? Give your house a nod to the nautical with some touches of rope.

Take some big glass containers and fill them with different thicknesses of rope to give more texture. Click on image for more info and some DIY projects.  Here is a great site for all different types of rope. 

Farmers Market

Summer is in full swing and fresh veggies are for the taking! Go out to your local farmers market and take in the all the amazing smells and colors. There really is nothing like it!

Not sure if there is a farmers market  by your house check Local Harvest to scope one out!

Pie Crust

Recipe for a great party: pies (in my humble opinion) These pie pops and individual pie making machine will set you apart! Here is a great DIY for the pops and where you can get this neat gadget for your collection. And who says they have to be sweet! A good chicken pot pie would cure anyones Tuesday Blues.