Tag Archives: flowers

Double Sink

Oh the luxury of the double sink. Is there any better invention in the master bathroom?  One can dream can’t they? Make your own double sink bathroom on DreamHouse Designer. It’s free!

Click image for source

Rain boots and Flowers

With Spring quickly approaching beautiful blooms are popping up everywhere. Even if it’s not on the trees themselves, I’m finding it more important to have fresh flowers in my house to cheer me out of the winter blues. I love the idea of using an old pair of rain boots for a vase or even a planter ( if you drill holes in the bottom). What do you think?


Happy Earth Day!

Greenaid wants to make every abandoned little corner green. These seedbombs are made out of clay from a mixture of clay, compost and seeds. Throw them into an abandon lot and watch it transform.

Not only are Greenaids good for the planet they are partnered with Chrysailis, a local non-profit that offers employment opportunities to the employment disadvantaged men and women in the Los Angeles area.

Isn’t it pretty rad? You can buy packs online or they may even be a vending machine near you! It’s always the perfect time to take steps in improving our world around.


Plant a bee garden

Lets help our food pollinators out by planting flowers that they love! Click here to find out more details about why these.

Another Update

How’s the new office doing? Well, thank you for asking. Earlier this week we made a major push to get things into shape for some company. This included printing out, framing and hanging art work up to the last-minute. We even got David to clean his office! No more boxes and he got us flowers for the office.

Isn’t the light in the afternoon just wonderful? I refined my photoshop skills with that bee artwork. I made sure to put little bits of green in the honey combs to pick up the colors of the bench that is due in next week!  What’s with the bee you ask? It is Digital Playspace (the company that produces DDH) logo. Check out our new website, it’s so cool!