Tag Archives: Do It Yourself

Rain boots and Flowers

With Spring quickly approaching beautiful blooms are popping up everywhere. Even if it’s not on the trees themselves, I’m finding it more important to have fresh flowers in my house to cheer me out of the winter blues. I love the idea of using an old pair of rain boots for a vase or even a planter ( if you drill holes in the bottom). What do you think?

Pie Crust

Recipe for a great party: pies (in my humble opinion) These pie pops and individual pie making machine will set you apart! Here is a great DIY for the pops and where you can get this neat gadget for your collection. And who says they have to be sweet! A good chicken pot pie would cure anyones Tuesday Blues.

DIYing type of day

Oh.. have you seen the latest DIY on Design Sponge? Fun mom and me weekend project for sure. Click on image for the details!

Of these solar jar lights? Great for the warm spring nights we are all looking forward to! Thanks Not Martha for the great idea.

And just for fun some chocolate pudding or ice cream cups. Such a fun idea! Check out Bakerella  Check out more of her delish tutorials.

What else shall we make?

Card Catalog

Cassity is a hardcore DIYer on a budget- $5,000 for an entire house! That seems impossible. Her blog Remodelaholic is an inspirational, funny, real look at her life. Cassity shows that with a time, a little creativity and a lot of patience you can turn junk into design gold.

Card Catalog Buffet
