Tag Archives: dollhouse

Rain boots and Flowers

With Spring quickly approaching beautiful blooms are popping up everywhere. Even if it’s not on the trees themselves, I’m finding it more important to have fresh flowers in my house to cheer me out of the winter blues. I love the idea of using an old pair of rain boots for a vase or even a planter ( if you drill holes in the bottom). What do you think?

New Type of Minis

Aren’t these the cutest? I cannot believe people have the patience to make things so tiny in such detail. Click on the images for more info. Have a great weekend all!

Dinner Party for 6 winners

DDH Community winner “A Spring Celebration” by mountainalive

” Enjoying a fresh spring meal with the ocean breeze hitting your face is the dream.  The little details of the room really make it shine – the double curtains, use of fresh flowers and the pop of green plates. ” 

Victorian single room winner Crysdawn

“I love the modern take in a classic house. The red really brings the room to life.  Having sweets in the corner really make you want to eat all your dinner!”

Single beach winner  “Stylish Dinner for 6”

“Textures and layering are used very well in this room. Creative use of the  of wall-coverings and frames gives real depth. Love the use of neutrals”

Grand Prize winner of Agave Pitcher is leahdr21

“An intimate dining experience. I love the contrast between the burnt orange tile floor and the salmon colored rug. It works so well together. The nontraditional use of dining chairs gives it more of a relaxed vibe.”

Congrats to all the winners! We have a fun prize to giveaway next week. Stay tuned!

Picnic for Two

Spring is on it’s way and all I want to do is spend lazy afternoons outside. Looking at puffy clouds  laying on this cozy blanket. With lunch packed there would be nothing forgotten in this handy basket for two. And what picnic would be complete without a Fitzsu thermos filled with strong coffee?

Source picture unknown. Anyone have a clue?


We did it! We successfully moved our offices yesterday and thankfully everyone is one piece! It is sad leaving this amazing building but everyone at Dollhouse is excited for a new challenge and making our new office ‘ours’. Here are just a few of my favorite parts of the house that I will truly miss.

View from second landing to the bedroom. Lots of natural light flowing through!

Detail of the grate on the closet doors. So pretty!

Our trusty well disguised  door bell.

To our amazing garden, I will miss you the most! Reminds me why I love living in California SO MUCH!

Pictures of the new office to come. It’s still kind of a hot mess at the moment.